We who have nothing to lose must sing and dance before the riches of the world overcome us. We who have nothing to lose must laugh and dance lest our laughter goes from us.
-Langston Hughes

Monday, April 29, 2013

Italian Adventures, Part IV: Milan: A Rainy End to a Whirlwind Ride

My last 24 hours in Italy were spent in Milan. It's a decent city, but I'm glad we only spent one day there. Recap:

Italian Adventures, Part III: Venice, that Little Seaside Village

Venice was lovely. That may sound a little underwhelming after gushing about the historical architecture of Rome and everything in Florence, but lovely really sums it up. Recap of my two days there:

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Italian Adventures, Part II: Under the Tuscan...Rain

I don't think I mentioned that it rained, off and on, for the entire nine days, did I? Welp, it did, though that didn't detract from my enjoyment. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Italian Adventures, Part I: Roamin' with the Romans

Before I get into the nitty gritty of my trip, I must say that I really do think the subtitle of this post is quite catchy and unique. However, I'm sure it's also the title of a billion other blog posts about Rome. Can't blame a gal for trying, though.