Note: If you haven't read Part I, stop, go back, and read it! You'll appreciate Part II more. Since I have faith that you will read Part I if you've not already done so, there's no need to explain where I'm coming from with this. Thus, I present the second installment of random things that have been said to me so far.
- You are from Alabama? Sweet Home Alabama! (My gawd, I'm just waiting for someone to start serenading me)
- You are from the South? "Gone with the Wind" is my favorite movie. I just love the Old South. It's so romantic. (Maybe for your ancestors...)
- You should always have your NIE (residency number, see dictionary for more details) with you just in case the police stop you. (Now why would the police stop me, pray tell???)
- OBAMA! OBAMA! OBAMA! (Because I kick it with POTUS and FLOTUS like that and my vote is what changed the course of the election)
- Are you Dutch? (Apparently there's a large African Dutch population)
- Are you French?
- Are you Dominican?
- What is your name? Ari? Aris? Like in "The Little Mermaid"? (there is no l or s in my first name)
- Teacher, what is a Negro? (A question one of my students asked after I gave the infamous slavery presentation)
I would have immediately started singing sweet home Alabama