We who have nothing to lose must sing and dance before the riches of the world overcome us. We who have nothing to lose must laugh and dance lest our laughter goes from us.
-Langston Hughes

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stuff Spanish Teachers Say

First, Happy February, Mardi Gras/Carnival, Month in which the Oppressor Decided to Acknowledge the Contributions of People of African Descent to the World, Commercialized Love Day, and--my personal fave--birthday to the fifty million members of my family who decided to make their entrances into the world during the shortest month of the year. 

I thought I would only be writing about the randomness that Spaniards, in general, say to me. However, I realized today that the things the teachers with whom I work say to and about our students really have to be shared. Thus, here's a list of the five most random comments Spanish teachers have said to students (while I've been around, that is):

  • Student: Says the phrase "put on" and very awkwardly separates the two words. Teacher: "Goodness, (insert very Spanish name), say it together! Don't separate your phrasal verbs." Me (mentally): "The HECK is a phrasal verb!?"
  • Teacher: "What does (choose a random word) mean?" Student: "Pues, significa que..." Teacher: "Ay, Dios, (insert very Spanish name), in English! This is a bilingual section! No puedes hablar en eSpanish." Me (mentally): "Right..."
  • Teacher: "You all constantly confuse your concords." Me: *stares. blankly.*
  • Teacher: "Jose Manuel, your intonation is awful. No one can understand you." Me: "My gawd, what truth!"
  • Teacher: "You all are constantly talking. What, are your parents rich? Do you have money? If I had a gun, I'd shoot some of you." Me: "Wait, WHAT!? Can you even SAY that to a child and not go to prison!?"
Had I been properly thinking, I would've made this a running post since September, because some of the things that have been said are absolutely classic. No worries, though. There's more to come...

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