We who have nothing to lose must sing and dance before the riches of the world overcome us. We who have nothing to lose must laugh and dance lest our laughter goes from us.
-Langston Hughes

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Rut

So, it's the holiday season. The most wonderful time of the year. Chestnuts are roasting on an open fire, people are (stereotypically) happier, and life is just a little merrier. At least, this is how it should be. For the most part, I agree. Some of my favorite times of the year are the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year's. This year, though, it's really bittersweet. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Spaniards Say the Darndest Things, Part II

Note: If you haven't read Part I, stop, go back, and read it! You'll appreciate Part II more. Since I have faith that you will read Part I if you've not already done so, there's no need to explain where I'm coming from with this. Thus, I present the second installment of random things that have been said to me so far.

Turkey Day Abroad

November 27 marked Thanksgiving, that special day in which Americans come together to fellowship with family and friends and give thanks for what we have...in addition to giving ourselves unrepentant permission to be utter gluttons for 24 hours. Schools are cancelled and major businesses are closed for this day throughout America. However, life goes on across the pond. So what, you may be wondering, did  I do to celebrate Thanksgiving? Good question. Let's recap: